Address and information

Lorent House

Thomas Varesco

Freiheitsstraße 50,
39012 Merano
Alto Adige – Italia

+39 335 763 83 08

CIN: IT021051B4JFROE763

All pictures on the page are protected by copyright and may not be forwarded or used in any other way.

Photo credits:
IDM Südtirol/Marion Lafogler, Kurverwaltung Meran/Alex Filz, IDM Südtirol/Alex Filz, IDM Südtirol/Damian Pertoll, IDM Südtirol/Helmuth Rier, IDM Südtirol/Benjamin Pfitscher, Tourismusverein Schnalstal/Helmuth Rier
Ortler Skiarena/Alex Filz, IDM Südtirol/trickytine

Graphics, Programming

Effekt! srl
Via Val di Fiemme 4
39044 Egna
BZ - Alto Adige

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